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The Field of Awakening ~ Membership

Boulder Community


Thank you for your interest and participation in The Field of Awakening. We are excited to take the FoA experiment in a new direction aiming to deepen the experience of community, trust, bonding, safety and support for all we are. To that end, we are initiating a membership format that will foster a stronger commitment and clearer sense of group beyond the practice container. We also believe that the many added benefits will be of great value. There are three levels of membership – the only difference is the amount you choose to contribute (ranging from $20 to $50/month). We are also offering you your first month free (we’ll give you a code). 

This is our mini version of a loving and conscious world that we want to live in. Together, we’re generating a blueprint for a new human consciousness that’s sustainable and regenerative. We’re creating a milieu of transparent communication, authentic alignment, and holistic support toward realizing our potential ~ instead of the old societal paradigms of coercion, sacrifice and disconnection.

As a community, we invite our wholeness, healing and reconnection with our disowned parts. We’ll dive deeply into the experience of community as a living system, as a responsive organism. We’ll create spaces that provide safety and resource, and include expanded awareness and understanding of how we are being with ourselves, each other and our environment.

As a real-world living laboratory, we explore the healthy relationship between individual sovereignty and becoming an integral part of the communal organism. We embrace experiences of non-dual unity just as much as the fleshy mammalian aspect of being human. We humbly welcome the unknown and unknowable to dance with us in the great unfolding. And, we use The Field of Awakening practice as a laboratory to manifest these aims inside and outside the practice container.

The Field of Awakening Membership includes the invitation to participate in all membership-only and public drop-in events (as of this writing there are 4-5 FoA events each month – more are expected to be added soon, and we’ll accommodate member’s schedules as we are able). We also plan to have 1 or more social gatherings monthly (sometimes for members only, sometimes open to guests). We’ll have group gatherings to study the distinctions and other finer aspects of FoA as interest arises. We’ll have a private Facebook group where members can interact, invite each other to social gatherings, ask for or receive support, etc…deepening our sense of interconnection. We will introduce a platform for members to offer and receive services and goods to each other at a discount. And overall we aim to continue adding value and benefits to being a member as time goes on.

To become a member we require that you have attended at least 1 FoA event, be invited/sponsored by a current member, have read our Community Vision and Basics for Practice documents, and be approved after completing an in-person interview. We want to be sure we are a good match and that what we are inviting you to is clearly understood.

The practical: to maintain membership we require monthly dues, and a reasonable amount of participation in the community. Financially, you will be able to change your level of membership or cancel at any time by logging in to your account. Partial months are not refunded.

A note on leaving: as a deeper community, we ask for communication for mutual understanding and insight if someone feels to leave – to communicate and have us all feel the resonance of the decision, and make sure it’s not just a reactive impulse, and that we as a community don’t miss a learning/growing opportunity. This way we honor each other, our connection and our common wisdom rather than just cancelling payments and disappearing.
